
The abbasid revolution took place in
The abbasid revolution took place in

the abbasid revolution took place in

Shortly after, Spain was again conquered by the Visigoths (416 to 418 AD). In the early Middle Ages, after the "Fall" of the Roman Empire, Spain was conquered by a confederation of German tribes (around 411 AD). Spain, even before the Moslem conquests, was the scene of much fighting and territorial disputes. And, this difference can be traced directly to Muslim influences. While most of Europe was living in the intellectually dormant times of the Middle Ages, a different situation existed in Spain. Muslim Contributions to Science and Technology Last, you should read this essay that presents "certain aspects of the Islamic sciences as seen from the Islamic point of view." Science and Civilization in Islam, Therefore, a knowledge of the Muslim conquest and loss of Spain is crucial to understanding the flow of information. After the reconquest of Spain by Christian forces, much of the scientific knowledge that was developed by Muslims came to Western Europe through Spain. Next, you should read the history of Spain from a Muslim point of view. Robert Wuthnow then put online by Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Originally a ten page article published in the Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, ed. The first site you should visit is The History of Islam by Professor John Voll of Georgetown University. You should read the following four web sites before you begin the section on Muslim Contributions to Science and Technology. Therefore, we will start this section with a tutorial on the history of the Islamic World to 1600, created by the University of Calgary.

the abbasid revolution took place in

Before beginning to analyze the impact of the Muslim world on Western science and technology, it is helpful to understand the history and culture of the Islamic world.

The abbasid revolution took place in